Bring Back Closeness and Understanding With Family Therapy

I work with mothers, fathers, and their teen and adult children to transform frustrating communication patterns that sabotauge closeness and understanding.

When we fear rejection, are consumed with resentment, or clash under the strain of stressful life events, relationships suffer.

In my work with families I am sensitive to the necessity of developing trust with all parties so that the fortress of defensiveness, blame, hostility, resignation, and bitterness don’t hold health and happiness hostage.

The understanding and compassion I bring to my work with families has developed over years of hard work both in my clinical practice, and in my own relationships with the close people in my life.

Trained in Family Systems, and attachment and emotion focused therapies, I am skilled at de-escalating reactivity. By providing compassionate listening and skillful mediation, the family members I work with learn to respect their emotions, and engage in whole hearted communication and healing.

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Family Therapy

Bring back the compassion and understanding in your family with family therapy counselling services.