The Path Toward Meaningful Change

The path toward meaningful change can often feel like groping in the dark for a light switch that you know is there, but can’t find. The pain of not knowing how to move forward can be unbearable. Nobody wants pain. We are hard wired to avoid it at all costs. Most of...

Vancouver- Neurobiology of Trauma

What neurobiology can teach us about trauma, stress and the power of meditation The other night I made the mistake of opening a questionable computer file. It was late, and I was tired when I got duped by “Mackeeper”, and its picture of the nerdy, arms-crossed, “Apple...

Get Out of the Way of Play!

The Critic is the bossy voice in our head that is trying to be helpful but more often than not succeeds in shutting down our playfulness and creativity by being rigid and controlling. Mindfulness is the practice of harnessing awareness in the present moment so we can...